

Opening speech (>>)              
Mr András Schmidt, Deputy Head of Department for Nature Conservation,
Ministry of Rural Development, Hungary

Opening speech (>>)
Dr András Demeter, Advisor, Directorate General for the Environment,
European Commission              

State of art: the effect of power lines on European
bird populations
Mr Boris Barov, Stichting BirdLife Europe, BirdLife International

BirdLife initiatives to support a European renewable energy revolution in harmony with nature (>>)
Dr Ivan Scrase, The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK  

International & European legal background (>>)
Dr Markus Nipkow, NABU, Germany

Cooperation between bird conservation organizations and electric utility companies - progress and challenges (>>)
Dr Klaus Richarz, Staatl. Vogelschutzwarte, Mr Winfried Boehmer, NABU,Germany

Cooperation between bird conservation organizations and electric utility companies in Hungary (>>)
Mr András Schmidt, Deputy Head of Department for Nature Conservation,
Ministry of Rural Development, Hungary

Mitigation planning, impact assessment studies, monitoring & research. Priority setting (species involved, scales: time and geographical areas) - international overview (>>)
Mr Luís Costa, The Society for the Study of Birds, Portugal               

Mitigation planning, impact assessment studies, monitoring & research in Hungary (>>)
Dr Márton Horváth, MME/BirdLife Hungary, Hungary

Practical mitigation measures: conservation needs, solutions, difficulties (>>)
Dr Dieter Haas, NABU, Germany 

Service and living space (>>)
Mr Gábor Podonyi, PÖYRY ERŐTERV Power Engineering and Contractor Private Limited Company, Hungary - Joint presentation of the Hungarian electric utility companies

Bird protection on high voltage transmission system (>>)
Mr György Bíró, MAVIR, Hungary

Bird protection with knowledge (>>)
Mr Lars Hammar, AB Hammarprodukter, Sweden  



Monitoring of bird behaviour on a wire-marked 110kV power line in Lower Austria (>>)
Jaklitsch H., Bierbaumer M., Wegleitner S., Edelbacher K. & S. Schindler, Austria

Bird electrocution on wooden power poles by leakage currents (>>)
NABU, Germany

Fitting bird protection markings to overhead lines from a helicopter (>>)
RWE, Germany

How to use European experience most effectively? (>>)
Antal, M., Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department for Environmental Economics, Hungary

ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ for the Protection of Birds (>>)

Pöyry ERŐTERV Power Engineering and Contractor Co., Hungary (>>)

First data on assessment of bird collision with high voltage utility lines in Italy (>>)
Gustin, M., Gaibani, G. & Celada, C. (LIPU), Dell’Omo, G. (ORNIS ITALICA), Persia, G., Zoccali, A. & Motawi, A. (TERNA SPA), Italy

Effectiveness of a new type of wire markers on a high tension power line to mitigate bird collisions (>>)
Prinsen, H., Hartman, J., Gyimesi, A., Bureau Waardenburg bv, The Netherlands

Review of and guidelines for mitigating/avoiding the conflict between migratory birds and electricity power grids in the African-Eurasian region (>>)
Prinsen, H. Bureau Waardenburg bv, The Netherlands

Bird Mortality in Power Lines and its Mitigation in Portugal (>>)
Costa, J., Infante, S., Rochinha, C.A., Verissimo, C., Fagundes, I. Gouveia, C., SPEA, Portugal

Protection of birds on the power lines in Russia: past, present and future (>>)
Matsyna, A.I. & Matsyna, E.L., Ecological Center “DRONT”, Russia

Eagle Owl Bubo bubo and White Stork Ciconia ciconia electrocution on middle voltage electric poles in Slovenia (>>)
Mihelic, T. & Denac, D., DOPPS BirdLife Slovenia, Slovenia


Conference Photos (by András Kovács & János Bagyura)